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#9550 Entamoeba histolytica IgG ELISA
ELISA kit for the diagnosis of human visceral amebiasis

Parasitology and clinical relevance

Fifty million people are suffering from extra-intestinal amebiasis in the world. It is responsible of fifty thousand death each year. It is the second cause of mortality by parasitic infections, after Malaria. Patients become infected when eating contaminated vegetables or water. The disease is confirmed by microscopy when the hematophagous form of Entamoeba histolytica are detected in stool samples. However this vegetative form are frequently absent or present in very small numbers. Therefore, a serological assay to detect infection of E. histolytica is a useful complement to parasitological tests. The diagnosis of human amebiasis using the ELISA kit is intended for travellers returning from endemic areas and developing symptoms like abdominal pain, fever and hepatomegaly and to post therapeutic controls.


96 determinations of IgG antibodies using standard methodologies.

Wells sensitized with soluble trophozoite antigens from Entamoeba histolytica.

8-wells polystyrene breakable strips: useful and economic format for laboratories with a small workload.

CE registration: CH-201202-0033

Sensitivity and specificity

The test detects Entamoeba histolytica extra-intestinal infections.

A sensitivity of 100% was found with 52 sera from patients with clinically proven Entamoeba histolytica extra-intestinal infection.

A specificity of 89% was found with 71 sera from amebiasis suspected patients but where this disease had been certainly ruled out.

A specificity of 96% was found with 99 sera of blood donors.

A specificity of 80% was found with 40 sera from patients with other parasitc infections.


96 wells coated with soluble trophozoite antigens from Entamoeba histolytica.

Dilution buffer (TBS-Tween), 50 ml
Washing solution, 50 ml
Enzyme buffer, 50 ml
Stop solution, 25 ml
Negative control serum (rabbit), 200 µl
Cut-off serum (rabbit), 200 µl
Positive control serum (rabbit), 200 µl
Protein A - AP conjugate, 300 µl
Alk. phosphatase substrate, 20 tab.
Multipipette resevoir 25ml, 1x
Frame for ELISA 8-wells holder, 1x
Instructions for use

Ordering information

#9550 Entamoeba histolytica IgG ELISA (96 assays)



Nicholls, R.S., I Restrepo, M., Duque, S., Consuelo Lopez, M. and Corredor A. (1994) Standardization and evaluation of ELISA for the serodiagnostic of amoebic liver abscess. Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro. 89, 53-58.

Visser, L.G., Verweij, J.J., Van Esbroeck, M., Edeling, W.M., Clerinx, J. and Polderman, A.M. (2006) Diagnostic methods for differentiation of E. histolytica and E. dispar in carriers : performance and clinical implications in a non-endemic setting. Int. J. Med. Microbiol. 296, 397-403.  

European directive 98/79/EC registration

Material Safety Data Sheet: Eng - Fra - Deu - Ita

Flyer Entamoeba histolytica IgG ELISA: Flyer


Bordier Affinity Products SA, Chatanerie 2, Bātiment Biokema, CH-1023 Crissier, Switzerland
Phone: + 41 21 633 31 67.  Fax: + 41 21 633 31 78. Email: cb(at)bordier.ch