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# 9450 Strongyloïdes ratti IgG ELISA
ELISA kit for the diagnosis of human strongyloidiasis

Parasitology and clinical relevance

Strongyloides stercoralis is a potentially dangerous parasite, particularly if unsuspected and present in immunocompromised patients or in patients receiving immunosuppressive drugs. An hyperinfection syndrome can occur with widespread nematode dissemination and a high mortality. Parasitological diagnosis is often time- consuming as Strongyloides larvae in the stool are frequently absent or present in very small numbers. Therefore, a serological assay to detect infection with Strongyloides is useful. Our ELISA uses the structural similarities existing between S. stercoralis and S. ratti antigens to detect antibodies in human sera.


96 determinations of IgG antibodies using standard methodologies.

Wells sensitized with somatic antigens from larvae of Strongyloïdes ratti.

8-wells polystyrene breakable strips: useful and economic format for laboratories with a small workload.

CE registration: H-CH/CA01/IVD/10285

Sensitivity and specificity

Sensitivity of 88% with sera from patients with larvae of Strongyloides stercoralis.

Specificity of 94% with sera of blood donors (from Switzerland).

Specificity of 77% with sera of patients with other parasitoses (mostly helminthiases).


96 wells coated with somatic antigens from larvae of Strongyloïdes ratti.

Dilution buffer (TBS-Tween), 50 ml
Washing solution, 50 ml
Enzyme buffer, 50 ml
Stop solution, 25 ml
Negative control serum (rabbit), 200 µl
Cut-off serum (rabbit), 200 µl
Positive control serum (rabbit), 200 µl
Protein A - AP conjugate, 300 µl
Alk. phosphatase substrate, 20 tab.
Multipipette resevoir 25ml, 1x
Frame for ELISA 8-wells holder, 1x
Instructions for use

Ordering information

#9450 Strongyloïdes ratti IgG ELISA (96 assays)


Magnaval, J.-F., Mansuy, J.M., Villeneuve, L. and Cassaing, S. (2000) A retrospective study of autochthonous strongyloïdiasis in Région Midi-Pyrénées (Southwesten France). Eur. J. Epidemiol. 16, 179-182.

Schaffel, R., Nucci, M., Carvalho, E., Braga, M., Almeida. L., Portugal, R. and Pulcheri, W. (2001) The value of an immunoenzymatic test (ELISA) for the diagnosis of Strongyloïdiasis in patients immunosuppressed by hematologic malignancies. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 65, 346-350.

Loutfy, M.R., Wilson, M., Keystone, J.S. and Kain, K.C. (2002) Serology and eosinophil count in the diagnosis and management of strongyloïdiasis in non endemic area. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 66, 749-752.

Van Doorn, H.R., Koelewijn, R., Hofwegen, H., Gilis, H., Wetsteyn, J.C.F.M., Wismans, P.J., Sarfati, C., Vervoort, T. and Gool, T. (2007) Use of ELISA and dipstick assay for the detection of Strongyloïdes stercoralis infection in humans. J. Clin. Microbiol. 45, 438-442.

Bisoffi, Z., Buonfrate, D., Sequi, M., Mejia, R., Cimino, R.O. et al. (2014) Diagnostic accuracy of five serologic tests for Strongyloïdes stercoralis infection. Plos. Negl. Trop. Dis. 8.

Buonfrate, D., Sequi, M., Mejia, R., Cimino, R.O., Kroleiecki, A., Albonico, M., et al. (2015) Accuracy of Five Serologic Tests for the follow-up of Strongyloïdes stercoralis infection. PLos Negl. Trop. Dis. 9.

European directive 98/79/EC registration

Material Safety Data Sheet: Eng - Fra - Deu - Ita

Assessment of a new ELISA test for the serodiagnosis of Strongyloïdiasis: Poster presentation

Assessment of a new ELISA test for the serodiagnosis of Strongyloïdiasis: French poster presentation

Evaluation of the Bordier Strongyloïdes ratti ELISA kit  for the diagnosis of human Strongyloïdiasis (Center for Disease Control, Atlanta, USA): Report

Prevalence and risk factors for Strongyloïdes stercoralis infection among patients at high risk of complications in Bolivia: Poster presentation


Bordier Affinity Products SA, Chatanerie 2, Bâtiment Biokema, CH-1023 Crissier, Switzerland
Phone: + 41 21 633 31 67.  Fax: + 41 21 633 31 78. Email: cb(at)bordier.ch