#9400 Acanthocheilonema viteae
ELISA kit for the diagnosis of human filariasis
Parasitology and clinical relevance
Human filariasis are caused by a variety of nematodes
(Loa Loa, Onchocerca volvulus, Dracunculus medinensis, Wuchereria bancrofti, Brugia
malayi). The diagnosis is based on clinical evidences, an history of living in an endemic area, hypereosinophilia and the detection of microfilariae. The finding of an adult filaria is a proof of infection but is frequently unsuccessful. Serological methods using indirect immunofluorescence assays on frozen sections of adult worms of animal origin
(Acanthocheilonema viteae, Dirofilaria immitis, Setaria sp.) and immuno-electrophoresis can both help for diagnosis. These methods are often positive in cases of occult
filariasis or when microfilaremia is negative, they are less sensitive in patients with detectable microfilariae. Our ELISA assay uses
also the antigenic homologies observed between human and animal filariae. The ELISA procedure is more reproducible and less tedious than IFA on worm sections.
96 determinations of IgG antibodies using standard methodologies.
Wells sensitized with somatic antigens from adult females of Acanthocheilonema
8-wells polystyrene breakable strips: useful and economic format for laboratories with a small workload.
CE registration: H-CH/CA01/IVD/01755 |
Sensitivity and specificity
Sensitivity of 95% with sera of suspected and confirmed cases of
Specificity of 98% with sera of blood
donors (from Switzerland).
Crossreactivities are found in cases of trichinellosis, hydatidosis,
fascioliasis, ankylostomiasis and strongyloidiasis
(40 to 83%). |
96 wells coated with somatic antigens from adult females of
Acanthocheilonema viteae.
buffer (TBS-Tween), 50 ml
Washing solution, 50 ml
Enzyme buffer, 50 ml
Stop solution, 25 ml
Negative control serum (rabbit), 200 µl
Cut-off serum (rabbit), 200 µl
Positive control serum (rabbit), 200 µl
Protein A - AP conjugate, 300 µl
Alk. phosphatase substrate, 20 tab.
Multipipette resevoir 25ml, 1x
Frame for ELISA 8-wells holder, 1x
Instructions for use
Ordering information
#9400 Acanthocheilonema viteae IgG ELISA (96 assays)
Gueglio, B., Bordier, C. et Marjollet, M. (1995) Mise au point d'un test
ELISA pour le diagnostic des filarioses humaines. Bulletin de la Société Française de
Parasitologie. 13, 67-72. Laverbratt, C.,
Ljungström, I., Guzman, G., Thors, C., Eriksson, T. and Akuffo, H.O.
(1997) Evaluation of serological assays for diagnosis of onchocercosis.
Scand. J. Infect. Dis. 29, 65-70.
directive 98/79/EC registration
Material Safety Data Sheet: Eng
- Fra - Deu
- Ita
Assessment of a new ELISA test for the serodiagnosis of
Filariasis: French poster presentation
Bordier Affinity Products SA, Chatanerie 2,
Bâtiment Biokema,
CH-1023 Crissier, Switzerland
Phone: + 41 21 633 31 67. Fax: + 41 21
31 78. Email: cb(at)bordier.ch