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#6100 Aspergillus fumigatus IgG ELISA
ELISA kit for the diagnosis of human aspergillosis

Parasitology and clinical relevance

Aspergillus fumigatus is one of the most ubiquitous of the airborne saprophytic fungi. Humans and animals constantly inhale numerous conidia of this fungus. It is responsible from mycosis occuring on patients suffering from lung disorder such as asthma, cistic fibrosis and COBP. Aspergillosis is the most common cause among fungal respiratory diseases. This test is useful for the screening and follow up of patients at risk of aspergillosis. We associate a highly specific somatic and metabolic antigen with two recombinant antigens (Chymotrypsin and Mitogillin).The complementarity of these antigens gives excellent performance to the test.


96 determinations of IgG antibodies using standard methodologies.

Wells sensitized with soluble somatic, metabolic and recombinant antigens from Aspergillus fumigatus.

8-wells polystyrene breakable strips: useful and economic format for laboratories with a small workload

CE registration: CH-201301-0006

Sensitivity and specificity

A sensitivity of 97% was found with 32 sera from 19 patients suffering from various aspergillosis (11 chronic necrotizing aspergillosis, 12 aspergilloma, 2 aspergillus sinusitis and 7 allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis).

A sensitivity of 22% was found with 9 sera from 5 patients suffering from invasive d'aspergillosis.

A specificity of 98% was found with 131 sera from 67 patients suffering from non aspergillus respiratory diseases (candidosis, tuberculosis, pneumocystosis, cryptococcosis, viral or bacterial pneumonia).


96 wells coated with soluble somatic, metabolic and recombinant antigens from Aspergillus fumigatus.

Dilution buffer (TBS-Tween), 50 ml
Washing solution, 50 ml
Enzyme buffer, 50 ml
Stop solution, 25 ml
Negative control serum (rabbit), 200 µl
Cut-off serum (rabbit), 200 µl
Positive control serum (rabbit), 200 µl
Protein A - AP conjugate, 300 µl
Alk. phosphatase substrate, 20 tab.
Multipipette resevoir 25ml, 1x
Frame for ELISA 8-wells holder, 1x
Instructions for use

Ordering information

#6100 Aspergillus fumigatus IgG ELISA (96 assays)


Weig, M., Frosch, M., Tintelnot, K., Haas, A., Gross. U., Linsmeier, B. and Heesemann, J. (2001). Use of recombinant mitogillin for improved serodiagnosis of Aspergillus fumigatus associated diseases. J. Clin. Microbiol. 39, 1721-1730.

Sarfati, S., Monod, M., Recco, P., Sulahian, A., Pinel, C., Candolfi, E., Fontaine, T., Debeaupuis, J.P., Tabouret, M. and Latgé, J.P. (2006). Recombinant antigens as diagnostic markers for aspergillosis. Diag. Microbiol. Inf. Disease 55, 279-291.

Dumollard C, Bailly S, Perriot S, Brenier-Pinchart MP, Saint-Raymond C, Camara B, Gangneux JP, Persat F, Valot S, Grenouillet F, Pelloux H, Pinel C, Cornet M. Prospective evaluation of a new Aspergillus IgG EIA kit for the diagnosis of chronic and allergic pulmonary aspergillosis. J Clin Microbiol. 2016 Feb 17. pii: JCM.03261-15.

European directive 98/79/EC registration

Material Safety Data Sheet: Eng - Fra - Deu - Ita

New ELISA test for the serodiagnosis of Aspergillosis : complementarity of the association between recombinant antigens and somatic/metabolic antigens: French poster presentation

Prospective evaluation of a new ELISA kit for the detection of anti-Aspergillus IgG in the diagnosis of chronic and allergic pulmonary aspergillosis: French poster presentation & English Flyer

Prospective evaluation of a new Aspergillus IgG EIA kit for the diagnosis of chronic and allergic pulmonary aspergillosis: Study paper

Bordier Affinity Products SA, Chatanerie 2, Bātiment Biokema, CH-1023 Crissier, Switzerland
Phone: + 41 21 633 31 67.  Fax: + 41 21 633 31 78. Email: cb(at)bordier.ch