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Diagnostics for parasitology & mycology

Bordier Affinity Products SA, Chatanerie 2, Bâtiment Biokema, CH-1023 Crissier, Switzerland
Phone: + 41 21 633 31 67.  Fax: + 41 21 633 31 78. Email: cb(at)bordier.ch


18th - 20th June 2025 : Bordier will attend the SFP-SFMM congress (Sociétés Françaises de Parasitologie & Mycologie Médicale) in Amiens (France) : https://sfpsfmm2025.sciencesconf.org/

November 2023 : Distribution of GaDia (https://gadia.ch/) products for detection of galactomanann in invasive aspergillosis : ELISA kit and ICT kit.

January 2023 : Instructions for use and labels revision (notification letter). New IFU versions available here and old versions still available upon request.

June 2022, new #9250 Ascaris IgG ELISA for ascariasis.

February 2022, new #9800 Anisakidae IgG ELISA for anisakidosis.

Company profile

Bordier Affinity Products SA, a small biotech company located near Lausanne (Switzerland), has been developing and producing laboratory reagents and kits for the diagnosis of parasitic and mycologic infections since 1991. Collaborations with academic institutions combined with extensive expertise in biochemistry, mycology and parasitology allow the company to offer products of premium quality.

Dr. Clément Bordier, the company’s founder and director, was professor at the University of Geneva and is a specialist of the parasite Leishmania.

Dr. Bruno Gottstein, the company’s scientific advisor, was professor at the Vetsuisse Faculty & Scientific Consultant at the Institute of Infectious Diseases, University of Berne.


The company is FDA registered (inspected February 2014) and all products are CE registered.

The company is ISO 13485 : 2016 certified : Certificate.


The importance of parasitic and mycologic diseases is growing in many areas, even in economically developed countries.

This increase is due to several factors: mobility and tourism, trade of animals for production and pets, closer contact between humans and wild animals (e.g. the red fox), changing geographic distribution of vector insects due to climate changes and increase in opportunistic infections in immunodepressed patients (HIV, transplantations and others).

Our company produces kits and reagents for the serological and direct diagnosis of parasitoses and mycoses.


ELISA test kits (96 tests)

IFAT test kit (2x50 tests)


 Features and advantages of our ELISA kits :

  • Easy to use ELISA format, robust and easily automated
  • Convenience, as everything required is provided in the kits, including cut-off control serum
  • Breakaway wells offer true cost efficiency
  • Confidence in results due to high sensitivity and specificity
  • Unique assays from an established high quality manufacturer
  • Shelf life of 20 months
  • Quality control data: from all lots, up to date and published on the web
  • Quick, available and responsive customer service
  • CE marked

Bordier Affinity Products SA, Chatanerie 2, Bâtiment Biokema, CH-1023 Crissier, Switzerland
Phone: + 41 21 633 31 67.  Fax: + 41 21 633 31 78. Email: cb(at)bordier.ch